Troika Consultancy Ltd

Troika Consultancy Ltd.’s vision is to offer services that will make a positive impact and transformation in people’s lives by supporting them to be in control of it. We help citizens to manage their own social/care support and choose the services that best suit them.

Our ethos is that everyone has a right to make a choice on how they want to live their life. They have a right to choose the services that will best meet their needs. Citizens have wishes, feelings and views on how they want to live, these should always be put at the centre of any support provision. They are the experts of their own lives.

Our Mission

Troika Consultancy Ltd.’s mission is to support and empower citizens to make an informed choice about how support is provided to them with a focus on working together to achieve their outcomes.

We assist them to focus on achieving their goals, outcomes, and aspirations.

Our Values

We aim to adhere to our values which are:

  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Integrity
  • Empathy
  • Caring
  • Reliable

Troika Consultancy provides a bespoke health and social care service that makes a positive impact and transforms citizens lives. Connecting citizens with support that truly meets their needs, the team are driven to provide the highest quality provision, working with small provider enterprises to co-ordinate services and empower citizens to achieve their desired outcomes.

Troika Consultancy recognises and celebrates the fact that everyone is unique and has their own, individual aspirations. We believe that the way in which support is delivered should reflect this. We expect the right to live life as we choose and see this as one of the cornerstones of inclusion and freedom which in turn leads to participation of community life and citizenship.

Living the life you choose, keeping safe and well, personal wellbeing and independence are areas that look different to every individual. Through taking a pro-active approach and ensuring total personalisation and flexibility of the services we provide; we work to ensure personal empowerment so that service delivery is truly person centred and self-directed.

The organisation offers flexibility for those accessing support, improving efficiency and choice, and moving decision making and control to citizens. Troika Consultancy works with individuals and their families to access support, design and coordinate services fulfilling their ethos that everyone has the right to choose services that best meets their needs.

As a specialist broker in Individual Support Funds (ISF) the team understand the challenges of their implementation and work as a managed brokerage service taking on the administration role of an ISF provider. This includes the management of Individual Services Funds through a Personal Budget or Direct Payment provided by the Local Authority or NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. Troika Consultancy Services extends to supporting people manage their self-directed care and support plan, ongoing support with administration and track outcomes.

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