
Key resources on self-directed support advancing disability rights and citizenship for all.

Self-Directed Support has been growing and developing for over 50 years around the world. There are numerous reports, articles and websites available to help you understand best practice. This page points you to some of the main resources available. If you think your website should be listed here please contact us.

Partner organisations

Citizen Network host the SDS Network and its library contains many publications on the topic of how to advance citizenship for all people. Its resources on self-directed support are available here:

Citizen Network Library

Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship (CIIC) is Canada’s only university-based research centre focusing on social policy and issues concerned with the full inclusion and citizenship of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities:

CIIC Website

Human Services Research Institute (HRSI) is US organisation that advises governments on how to create community-based, person-driven service systems:

HRSI Website

Manawanui is a social enterprise driven by the belief that self-direction is a fundamental human right and providing practical supports for self-direction:

Manawanui Website

Suunta is the Finnish centre on personal budgeting whose goal is to increase people's choice and influence over their lives:

Suunta Website

UNIC Project is an European system to help people, services and governments get information to help move systems to wards personal budgets:

UNIC Project

Western Australia's individualised Services (WAIS) works in partnership with people, families, service providers and government to promote and advance individualised, self-directed supports and services:

WAIS Website

Other Useful Resources

Applied Self-Direction is a US-based organisation that works to support the right of people with disabilities to live the lives they want:

Applied Self-Direction Website

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) works to improve policy and practice in disability support services:

EASPD Website

European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is a user-led network of disabled people which advocates for Independent Living values, principles and practice to make the full citizenship of disabled people possible.

ENIL Website

HRSI have also produced this very useful review of self-direction resources:

Does self-direction work?

Paper: 06.06.24

Expanding Self-Direction

Strategies for advocates to make practical progress in advancing self-direction.

Handbook: 18.03.24

How to Sponsor Citizen Network

This guide explains how to support Citizen Network, our projects and our networks.

Paper: 18.09.23

UNIC Transferability Study

The final UNIC report explores how to build and sustain personal budgets reforms and use EU structures.

Paper: 27.08.23

Redesigning the NDIS

A vision for reforming the NDIS as a regenerative system of support co-designed with people with disabilities.

Paper: 14.08.23

Self-Directed Support Scotland

There has been significant progress in Scotland in reforming disability services, but major challenges remain.

Paper: 25.07.22

European Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation

Good practice guide on the transition from Institutional to Community-based Care.

Webinar: 23.06.22

European Perspectives on Self-Directed Support

Support Girona hosted a seminar to review global and European developments in self-directed support.

Paper: 03.03.22

European Guide on Personal Budgets

The UNIC Project guide to EU countries for Long Term Care and Support based on human rights.

Webinar: 15.07.20

SDS Network: Social Service Reform in Wales

Damien Bridgeman explains the development of social service reforms in Wales where the ideas of citizenship and community have shaped policy.

Webinar: 16.06.20

SDS Network: Individual Service Funds (ISFs)

Chris Watson of Self Directed Futures and Gary Kent of New Key and Jacqui Hendra of Devon County Council on ISFs.

Webinar: 11.06.20

SDS Network: Developments in Finland

Leaders in self-directed support in Finland explain how systems are beginning to move towards and some of the early benefits

Webinar: 13.05.20

SDS Network: Developments in Scotland

Keith, Danielle & Debbie describe the development of self-directed support in Scotland.

Webinar: 13.05.20

SDS Network: COVID-19 and Overview

The first webinar from the SDS network covered the issues of how countries were responding to the COVID-19 crisis, what the crisis can teach us about changes we need for the future and how this may impact the development of self-directed support.

Webinar: 04.11.19

SDS Network: Progress in New Zealand

Marsha explains how New Zealands' approach to self-directed support has developed from initial exceptional arrangements into what is now a central plank of Government policy.

Webinar: 04.11.19

SDS Network: SDS in the USA

John O'Brien and Robin Cooper share how SDS has evolved in the USA and the lessons therein for other countries.

Map: 29.06.19

World SDS Map

A map showing the progress of Self-Directed Support around the world.