Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship
CIIC is Canada’s only university-based research centre with a dedicated focus on social policy and the full inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship (CIIC) envisions a society that acts to achieve lives of quality for all citizens. We inspire and inform social change by creating a passion and culture for inclusion. We work with the community, government, and the private sector to secure justice, equality, and well-being of all citizens.
CIIC is Canada’s only university-based research centre with a dedicated focus on social policy and issues concerned with the full inclusion and citizenship of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are firmly rooted at the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.
We operate as a partnership between the University of British Columbia, community living organizations and supporters seeking to further the inclusion and full citizenship of people with intellectual disabilities and their families locally, nationally and globally.
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