Global Standards for Self-Directed Support
We've published the global standards on self-directed support along with an easy read version.

Self-Directed Support (SDS) means organising help and assistance so that people who need help are able to live with freedom and are included as full and valued citizens within the community. The SDS Network exists to define and promote good practice in Self-Directed Support.
During 2021 to 2022, a small group of self-direction advocates (who identify as people with disabilities, researchers, and providers) met regularly to plan an international gathering to expand and enhance self-directed support. The event was part of the International Initiative for Disability Leadership and built from a previous events in 2019. The goal of the convening was to develop a statement describing the essential elements self-directed support.
Over several virtual meetings in 2022, 30 participants from New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Canada, Ireland, Finland, and England engaged in discussion and sharing and reviewed, discussed, and amended the draft standards. The SDS Network, in partnership with Citizen Network also shared the standards for consultation from 5th June 2022.
The standards were then presented during the IIDL Learning Exchange in Washington, D.C. in October 2022 with additional discussion amongst participants.
The global SDS Network has been established to publish and promote this statement and to revise and improve it over time. You can read the statement on our website here.
Our thanks to Clare Tarling for her support in producing an easy read version of the standards, download the pdf here.
A long version of the standards is also available to read in full and download here.